Monthly donation - Oxfam Kid Revamp- Higher amount - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Monthly donation - Oxfam Kid Revamp- Higher amount

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Please fill in below form for credit card donation (HKD) or you can choose bank autopay, please click here to download donation form.  Macau donor can make monthly donation in MOP, please click here to download monthly donation form.

(Monthly donation payment will become effective 10 working days after receipt of this form. Thereafter, transactions will normally be processed around the 10th of every month. Monthly donation via credit card will continue after the expiry date of the credit card and upon renewal of the credit card unless the cardholder otherwise notifies Oxfam Hong Kong.)
My Donation for Monthly donation - Oxfam Kid Revamp- Higher amount
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Donations are tax-deductible with an official receipt.
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If donate/payment by UnionPay, can only choose to settle in Hong Kong dollars.

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