音樂‧扶貧‧馬拉松 - 專題故事 - 樂施會




何恩霖、Leong Lok Yau Lois、李福慧 - 圖像

何恩霖、Leong Lok Yau Lois、李福慧

new asia  2樂施會每年都主辦的大型音樂籌款活動「樂施音樂馬拉松」,讓演出者透過音樂和歌聲,向大眾宣揚扶貧訊息,更為樂施會在世界各地的工作籌款。今年的「樂施音樂馬拉松」已於四月十八及十九日舉行,今期的樂施網誌邀請到兩位參與演出的學生及一位家長,分享她們對音樂及扶貧的看法。 emily OXFAM2 rev


三年前,老師邀請我參加音樂馬拉松。起初我不知道這活動能幫助多少貧窮人士,反正有機會在商場公開表演就好了。可是,參加了數年,我愈發現這活動的意義── 除了可以訓練自己的演奏技巧、臨場表演,更重要的是喚醒大眾關注貧困人士。


emily OXFAM1 rev全球有數以億計的人活在貧窮線下,當中不乏兒童。在香港,我們衣食無憂,有父母關心照顧,生活情況普遍比生活在貧窮中的兒童好得多。或許我們可以做的不多,但是「星星之火,可以燎原」。我希望能繼續參加音樂馬拉松,支持窮困兒童。正如一場「馬拉松」長跑比賽,耐力是最重要的;滅貧工作同樣也是一場「馬拉松」,需要持久進行,盼望大家都能攜手,為達到滅貧這目標而努力! 


A little bit goes a long way

 Lois, 2nd from left, playing recorders with her schoolmates.

Lois, 2nd from left, playing recorders with her schoolmates.

I am glad to have had the opportunity to participate in the Oxfam Musical Marathon this year. This was my second time participating. Our school has participated in this event for many years and it has become one of our regular school events. This event can catch people’s attention because it is held in different malls and can raise public awareness about the needs of people around the world. Besides, the Oxfam Musical Marathon also provides music lovers with a chance to share their music and passion with the public and fellow performers. My classmates and I also learned a lot about the needs of people in Nepal .This greatly motivated me to participate in the event.

This year’s performance was a nice experience as the audience was supportive, which encouraged us a lot. Apart from this, I also learned how to organize a program with my schoolmates. It was hard to organize rehearsals as everyone was busy. From this experience, I learned that communication and responsibility are important elements for success.

Lois pix 2In our world, there are plenty of people living in poverty – a lot more than people would imagine. Some of them live very far away from us in places where they lack clean water, food and many other basic needs. We may not be able to help them directly, but fortunately, there are different organizations in the world that are helping them to improve their living standards. We can support these organizations by donating money and promoting them through different events to raise public awareness. Even a little money can make a difference in their lives. The more money we raise, the more people we can help. I hope I can join the Oxfam Musical Marathon again next time to ask for more support from the public by sharing our music, so as to give more support to people living in poverty.

Leong Lok Yau Lois
St. Catharine’s School for Girls, Kwun Tong


new asia 3今年有幸得到母校新亞中學音樂老師劉老師之邀請,參與「二零一五樂施音樂馬拉松」。是次參與演出的其實是我們一班來自不同屆別畢業生的子女。看著一群充滿自信的小孩在台上揮灑自如,感覺很奇妙,在想小時候的我們又是何模樣。

當大人們拿著智能手機紀錄孩子們趣緻一刻時,可有想過其實地球的另一端,卻有一群正受著死亡威脅、糧食不足、食水污染、營養不良之苦的人呢? 對他們而言,一粒米、一滴水也是奢侈。

